Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Feels great...
Just posted my first REAL blog.

I was always fascinated by the very concept of 'blogging",often wondered which freak christened it.Honestly,the only thing that came to mind when I first heard of this very term was "block the fog(block+fog=blog)" just like the term SMOG being coined out of smoke and fog(smoke+fog=smog).
God had to send Amitabh Bachchan to start blogging ,all for me to realize that it had something more to do ,than just a directive issued by the Meteorological Dept to the aeroplanes at Delhi Airport during a cold december morning.
Boy am I intelligent..!!
How could I ever think that fog could,at all, be blocked ../!!-for this would add to the miseries of any breathing human..??
I kinda justify the name my friends gave me..KAJU.I actually DO tend to grasp things reeely fast(a pun hear is optional :p).

God bless me and my intelligence.

By the way,Im glad I joined the club of BLOGGERS(not fog blockers).
Its sounds like a reeely cool thing to do dusnt it..!!

more IYERISM to feature in upcoming BLOGS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm sure you must be knowing by now, blog stands fora web log, to keep a log or a journal on the web and shortened to blog.